About LM Marketing

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LM Marketing is trading as a Travel Agency, Customs Clearing agent for importers and exporters for their products in and out of the United Kingdom. Also, selling and buying goods such as domestic products, clothing items and a variety of goods. Crown Travel Services (CTS) faced competition in the travel and tourism industry while the industry is prospering global. In the year 2016, the competition in the industry has led CTS to undertake a competitive research study in the travel and tourism industry where researchers’ findings have revealed that CTS ability to innovate and sustain a valuable position over other travel and tourism organisations in the industry is the key factor and conceivable growth with efficiency. Therefore, researchers recommended that marketing more and better quality of service delivery through an increase: in size; expand the share of the market; create a quality difference; pricing strategy; cost reduction; increase revenue and income; and profit of the organisation. The recommendation further classified as productivity, efficiency and profitability of Crown Travel Services are centred on product, market, and technology to satisfy passenger’s wants and needs. In 2018, CTS implemented these recommendations by merging with LM Marketing to expand their marketing base and increase the share of the market segmentation.